Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Creation of The Mad Eater

So I wasn't always "about" food. I mean don't get me wrong, I have always loved food! My earliest memory of liking weird food was when I first saw the movie, Elvira. Do you remember the scene in the movie where Elvira has to bring something for the potluck and she makes this weird concoction that kind of looked like hamburger helper on crack! Oh my goodness...it looked sooooooo good!!! My sisters thought I was crazy but YYUUMMYY! Ever since then I've kind of been obsessed with food. My favorite food? That's a hard question but if I have to answer I would have to say it's my mother's shrimp. She makes it Creole style....Haitian Creole, that is :) I see creating a blog as an outlet for me to express my creative food energy. So give your opinions, your criticisms, and most of all your food expertise. Enjoy the ride!

Shrimp Creole

1 pound shrimp cleaned and devained (any size you choose)
1 white onion diced
1 green pepper
2 gloves of garlic finely chopped
1 heaping table spoon of tomato paste
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil
few pinches of seasoned salt (I prefer Adobo)
1/2-1 cup water (depending on how thick you want your sauce)

1. Heat olive oil in a pan. Saute shrimp until pink.
2. Add onions, garlic, and peppers and saute.
3. Add tomato paste
4. Once vegetables are translucent (about 2-3 minutes) add tomato paste. Work in tomato paste so that all the shrimp and vegetables are fully coated.
5. Add water and stir.
6. Let sauce reduce to desired consistency.

One word: YUMMY :)

Serve with white rice, boiled plantains, or fried plantains.


Unknown said...

i have never seen the elvira scene you talk about, but you make it sound good! i can't wait to see more of your postings about your favorite foods. can we see a picture of this creole shrimp?

Unknown said...

Like Wilson, I've not seen the show you mentioned, but I'm sure I would have been skeptical. Picky eater that I am! I love what I love though... Looking forward to reading more. Might even contribute a couple of my favorites, like the banana pudding.

LJ27 said...

Girl you are too much.
I love the little comment you made about eating something so good you want to smack your momma...lol
Your mom's dish sounds good but I can't eat that or I'll die. I hate being allergic to so many foods:(

wizzy said...

Your are toooo funny. I remember when you gave me that recipe. Loved it.

Unknown said...

yes that shrimp is one of my favorites. You can never just have one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!